DataLab Simple Client User Guide#

DataLab is an open-source platform for scientific and technical data processing and visualization with unique features designed to meet industrial requirements. It is based on Python scientific libraries (such as NumPy, SciPy or scikit-image) and Qt graphical user interfaces (thanks to PlotPyStack).

See also

For more details, see DataLab Website.

DataLab Simple Client (cdlclient package) is a Python library providing a remote proxy to a DataLab application (server). It allows to use DataLab features from a remote computer, and/or from a third-party application.

It also provides widgets to embed DataLab features in a Qt application (connection dialog, etc.). For this particular use case, the library relies on QtPy.


DataLab is powered by PlotPyStack, the scientific Python-Qt visualization and graphical user interface stack.#


DataLab was created by Codra/Pierre Raybaut in 2023. It is developed and maintained by DataLab open-source project.

External resources:


Project home page


Python Package Index